From top to can: TENZING’s climate transparency climb
TENZING reinvented the energy drink: They are plant-based, they are all natural, and they wear their climate footprint with full transparency
Färsodlarna: The climate-smart future of food is here
Färsodlarna is a plant-based mince innovation initiated by Axfoundation to provide a low climate footprint alternative to the household-favorite bolognese
Hey Oatly – Show us your climate strategy!
Oatly's climate strategy set the industry trend with climate footprint. No one is wondering why, many are wondering how. A. Hansson tells all!
Unboxing climate footprinting with When in Rome
When in Rome, the premium bag-in-box wine, became the first UK wine brand to go public with their climate footprint from CarbonCloud.
Estrella takes a stand for climate transparency with CarbonCloud
CarbonCloud welcomes Estrella to the fast-growing community of food companies acting for increased transparency of climate footprints. Read more in our blog!
CarbonCloud and Compass Group introduce climate labels in the Swedish Parliament
CarbonCloud's customer Compass Group introduced climate labels on the lunch menus in the Swedish Parliament. Find out more about the project in our blog!
Climate labels at Biathlon World Championships
The Swedish Biathlon Federation partners up with CarbonCloud for the 2019 IBU World Championships by using climate labels. Find out more in our blog!
Climate label on all meals at Roskilde Festival
Food tech start-up CarbonCloud has entered a collaboration with the Roskilde Festival to support them in their sustainability work. Find out more in our blog!
Swedish Exhibition & Congress Centre stipend
Today CarbonCloud was awarded a stipend from The Swedish Exhibition & Congress Centre for its innovation CarbonAte, the climate labelling tool that makes it easy for restaurants to calculate the c
Partnership with WWF –
WWF launches the food concept One Planet Plate & a digital food calculator, developed by CarbonCloud. Find out more about the project's benefits in our blog!