Climate transparency —
Ready to share
Share your climate performance with confidence. No matter who your stakeholders are, go climate-transparent and rest assured that your climate footprints are auditable, up-to-date, and robust.
Share your climate performance with brass
Claims that withstand any stress-test
We’ve got your back. Your climate footprints are always up-to-date, robust, auditable, and can withstand any scrutiny. Get an automatically updated web report of your product conforming with ISO 14067 and GHG protocol and share your results with colleagues, customers, or certifying bodies.
During the product launch, we shared the absolute climate footprint with retailers and they were really enthusiastic. To be honest, it was one of the easiest retailer launches we have had.

Mieke van Vugt
Marketing Manager, Cérélia

Give consumers what they ask for
Give your products a boost on the store shelf and add transparency to your brand values. Earn consumer trust, engagement, and loyalty by sharing the only number that matters: The climate footprint of your product.
We wanted to impact consumers to drive the change and understand the climate footprint of food. That’s why we decided to calculate the climate footprint of our products with CarbonCloud: To focus on the number that drives this change. For me, printing the climate footprints of each product is the way of helping consumers and ourselves as food brands.

Annika Hansson
Sustainability Reporting Senior Manager, OatlyCLIENT STORY
Hey Oatly, show us your climate strategy!
Oatly is a global inspiration regarding its climate strategy and communication. Since its initial boom, Oatly made noise challenging the entire food industry to show their numbers – and you may imagine which numbers they are referring to: Climate Footprints. Presently, Oatly is a challenger turned trendsetter and no one in the food industry is left wondering why – but many are wondering how. So, we asked!
Share your climate performance,
not your secret sauce
Share your climate footprint with everyone asking for it – your recipe stays with you. Every footprint is accompanied by a change log that keeps your number evergreen and a compliant technical report to substantiate your number. Not big on sharing publicly? No biggie. Export your data from the platform and grant limited access to the auditable trace log.
Fun fact!
ClimateHub now contains carbon footprints of over 15 000 products!
Is your product missing? Get listed →

Meet the climate transparency audience
Who are the climate-conscious consumers? What do they expect to hear from brands? We tuned in to the discussions and mapped out the climate-conscious audience. The Brits talking about the climate impact of food.
Your organization's climate footprint store front
Allow your stakeholders to explore your climate performance and dig deeper. Host all your climate footprints in your organization's page in ClimateHub and aggregate your real-time climate footprints every product and every market.
Now report your emissions
Measuring your emissions is a big task but it’s just the beginning. Ready to drop the formalities and move from baseline to reduction?

This shan't take long...
Ready to shine with your climate footprint? We're here to back it up!
Campaign, label on pack, digital communications? Make climate transparency a brand value and back up your claims. Talk to our climate performance experts and see how you can shine with climate footprints.