Climate Action in the Food Industry: Half-Baked Efforts as 44% of Companies Remain at Initial Maturity Level
An in-depth analysis of 83 global companies in the food system reveals mixed levels of maturity along 6 dimensions of climate performance, but with a projected positive trajectory of climate action in
Voluntary carbon offsets in numbers: Money talks, volume wails
Offsetting has claimed a central position in the global challenge to reach net zero. In this article we break down the business case for offsetting with price and inventory and what your best bet is s
There and back again: The history of offsets by Mark Trexler, the Ph.D. of the first offset project
We may now see concepts like “carbon neutrality”, “net-zero” and “carbon offsets” and not even flinch or wonder what it is. But sometimes tracing the path of common practice is eve
How to assess the quality of a carbon offset
Carbon offsets are created in a space of uncertainty and nuances. Historically, these shades of gray can sway either way to create attractive, marketable commodities. Far too frequently it has the opp
What makes a carbon offset?
One thing for us to say “a product cannot be carbon neutral” and expect you to take our word for it and another to present the facts. So we took the time to present the full argument in an article