Sustainability claims: A 56% growth opportunity for food producers and retailers
A new market report provides evidence that sustainability claims are a growth driver for food and beverage producers and retailers.
Happy Happy Foods: What’s a latte with a lower climate footprint? A Happy Happy Latte
The mission of Happy happy foods is to be a climate-responsible company. With ownership of their climate footprint for every product, CarbonCloud concurs!
Climate footprint labels: Why we use the number – and why the entire food industry will too.
Find out why climate footprint labels are the most informative and transparent way to communicate the climate impact of food. Visit our CarbonCloud blog!
🇺🇸 FTC Green Guides: From theory to practice
We read FTC's Green Guides for you and walk you through how your climate footprint complies with the US environmental claim guidelines.
Little Freddie: A climate footprint growth spurt
Little Freddie has now become the world’s first baby food brand to go transparent with their climate footprint. And their climate work continues!
🇬🇧 Green Claims Code: Unpacking environmental claim requirements
Green Claims Code lists 6 principles for environmental claims to avoid greenwashing. We read it for you and comb through climate campaigns!
Asking for a friend: What does the climate footprint label mean?
What does the climate footprint label mean? What is CO2e and how do I make sense of the number? Tag along with our label breakdown!
The future of retail: The climate-transparent KnowVember store experience
CarbonCloud's heart was beating at the KnowVember climate-transparent pop-up store, where every product sold displayed its climate footprint.
Hey Oatly – Show us your climate strategy!
Oatly's climate strategy set the industry trend with climate footprint. No one is wondering why, many are wondering how. A. Hansson tells all!
It is not about the label
CarbonCloud CEO, D. Bryngelsson, explains why climate footprint labels are not the goal but a testament of a food company reducing emissions.