Climate footprint labels: Why we use the number – and why the entire food industry will too.
Find out why climate footprint labels are the most informative and transparent way to communicate the climate impact of food. Visit our CarbonCloud blog!
‘Best in class’ comes with the burden of proof
To act on a climate footprint, we need data. With embedded uncertainty in data collection processes, how do we craft a climate strategy?
Adapt or die? Climate footprints choose ‘Adapt’
Why do climate footprints have to change? Because everything around them changes. And you can adapt to the change and get better.
The sustainability fallacy: How ambitious CSR and sustainability departments prevent progress
There are many issues to solve for a sustainable future. But bundling sustainability categories under one department is a problem, not a solution
It is not about the label
CarbonCloud CEO, D. Bryngelsson, explains why climate footprint labels are not the goal but a testament of a food company reducing emissions.
Allocation of emissions in food production
Food products are produced on a web. How do we allocate emissions in food production? Weight and economic value are two ways to do it.
Is a climate-friendly diet also healthy?
Is a climate-friendly diet healthy and nutritious? The answer is yes, eating climate-smart is beneficial for both our health and nutrition.
Can a product be “carbon neutral”?
Is a 'carbon neutral product' real? Not really. The results of offsetting, the base of 'carbon neutral' statements, are a bit too vague. Here's why.
UKK har minskat sin klimatpåverkan med 14% med hjälp av CarbonCloud
Uppsala Konferens och Kongress, UKK, har minskat sin klimatpåverkan med 14% med hjälp av CarbonCloud. Läs mer om det innovativa projektet i vår blogg!
Foodtech-startup från Göteborg sätter internationellt klimatavtryck
Livsmedelsföretaget Oatly meddelade att man kommer att börja redovisa klimatavtrycket för alla sina produkter med hjälp av CarbonCloud. Läs mer i vår blogg!