Climate strategy from A to Zero

You don’t need a Master’s degree to work with climate performance. What you need is actionable, comparable, fresh insights. No matter where you are in your climate journey,  navigate to zero quicker and with a real impact.

In short, what we help you do

with accuracy

Calculate your emissions baseline for thousands of food products consistently, in weeks, with data you already have and start walking the talk.

Reduce your

Build your climate roadmap on actionable insights. Identify emission hotspots along each product’s value chain and build climate-smart products from the start.

Share results,
not pledges

Let your climate performance shine on shelves, meetings or campaigns. Stand out to any stakeholder with up-to-date and robust climate footprints.

Make reporting
a breeze

No matter the sustainability reporting framework, they all share this requirement: Traceable data backed by science. Welcome to confident emissions metrics for Scopes 1, 2, 3.

A climate roadmap for your targets

Different organizations have different value chains, targets, goals, needs. Craft your climate strategy to fit your organization’s profile.

Where do you fit in best?

Brand portfolios

Different brands, hundreds of products, high targets? Future-proof your climate performance to match your ambition.


Leading the industry to net-zero? Set up the right infrastructure for your network and oversee emissions from farm to shelf.

Food brand

Stand out among the crowd of choices and give consumers what they demand from the industry: Climate transparency.

Scope 3

...or the vast majority of your emissions. Command your supply chain emissions with the right infrastructure.

Annika Jonson carbon footprint Oatly


We decided to calculate the climate footprint of our products with CarbonCloud, to focus on the number that drives the food system change.

Annika Hansson
Sustainability Reporting Senior Manager, Oatly
Emily Gander Carbon footprint Tenzing

TENZING Natural Energy

We wanted to educate ourselves, get ahead of regulations and be a leader in this space. That’s why we started working with CarbonCloud because we believe climate footprints are the future.

Emily Gander
Head of Communications & Sustainability at TENZING Natural Energy

Why CarbonCloud?

CarbonCloud calculates accurate carbon footprint data for food industry companies so they can communicate, report, and improve their sustainability initiatives.

ClimateHub Large accurate database
Scope 3 emissions calculations
  • Build scenarios to understand impact of changing the source of an ingredient 
  • Drill down into detailed parameters used in calculations for complete transparency
centralize supplier engagement
  • Team of world-class scientists experts in food industry emissions
  • CarbonCloud experts are committed to our customers success

How climate-mature
are you?

Take CarbonCloud’s 3′ Maturity Assessment quiz to find your starting point and get tailored tips and action points on how to step up climate work throughout your organization.

Climate performance maturity assessment

Climate transparency: All you need to know

Contact our sustainability experts to get started!